Removable threaded end hose + adapters / 2m
Removable threaded end hose + adapters / 2m
Nylon pull out sprayer hose
Pull out kitchen faucet hose

Pull out sprayer hose for kitchen faucet


Pull out sprayer hose for kitchen faucet

Female 15/21

Male 15/100

Length 1.50 metre


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Availability: In stock
Référence produit

Specific model for kitchen faucet with a pull out sprayer

Material: brass

Double clamping

Connectors: Female 15/21,Male 15/100

Length:1.50 metre

For brands: Hansgrohe, Jado, Ideal Standard, Franke, Blanco, Porcher, Piel, Oras, Ondyna, Cristina, Webert, etc ....

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